G.P. Gordon 8x12
S/N ???
New Style w/ Throw Off


This is my first press I acquired in the fall of 1999. I had to build a base for it, install the brake, make two new trucks, and sent all three rollers off to be redone. I purchased a treadle from John Hern before he passed and installed it under the press....making it belt or treadle driven.

Gordon in street clothes

The next two pictures were taken at the 2009 Wayzgoose in Mt. Pleasant, IA. This is my Gordon press running with a 2hp (hit & Miss) Fuller & Johnson gas engine. It ran three of the 4 days powered by this gas engine. The next picture shows me topping the Fuller & Johnson off with water before starting it up in the morning for another day's run.

the flywheels is spin = printing!!!

there are reason they run presses with these engines.....they don't always run when you want them too